Wisdom teeth: dental insurance plan help and information
Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come in the back of the jaw bone, know most commonly as the third molars.
When do wisdom teeth come in? Most people get their wisdom teeth between the ages of 15 – 25 years old.
How do I know if I have wisdom teeth? If you cannot see them toward the rear of your mouth, wisdom teeth can be detected by an x-ray given by your dentist.
What are the problems associated with wisdom teeth? Sometimes wisdom teeth can cause crowding of the teeth, infections, cysts, tumors, jaw and gum disease.
What is an impacted wisdom tooth? An impacted wisdom tooth is one that is entrapped completely or partially by soft tissue which can also be a cause of bacterial infections.
Are wisdom teeth painful? Sometimes wisdom teeth can be painful when they are erupting through the soft tissue and can become swollen and or infected.
Should I have my wisdom teeth removed? It depends on a lot of variables such as whether they are impacted and causing pain, they are growing in and moving your good teeth. It is best to contact a dentist. Keep in mind some people never have their wisdom teeth removed.
How much does it cost to have a wisdom tooth extracted? Simple extractions can cost under $100, but it depends on the position of the tooth. For example, an impacted wisdom tooth could cost you over $250 or more to have removed.
Does dental insurance cover wisdom teeth extraction? Some dental insurance plans and dental discount plans cover a portion of the cost for wisdom teeth extraction. Please refer to our web site and enter your zip code. Then review the different benefit schedules for your area. Nearly all of the dental insurance plans we sell offer coverage for this dental procedure.
Dental insurance plan help and information – InsuranceCompany.com is a specialist in dental insurance, dental discount plans, vision and prescription coverage programs for individuals, families and groups. We have been serving the dental community since 1983, you will find our licensed dental insurance agents are well informed and ready to assist you.
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